The-Beauty-Pages.com would like to invite you to to a Beauty Sample Sale on Friday 10th July 2009 to raise money for The Anthony Clarke Memorial Fund. Please feel free to invite friends and relatives. The sale will include some of the most luxurious brands - for example, Chanel, MAC, and Clarins - and everything will cost £2, £1 or 50p. Most items completely brand new and unopened. Everything you need for summer - fake tan, cellulite treatments, toning creams, hair removal, bright makeup, bronzers, travel-sized items - along with a huge amount of luxury, male grooming, and everyday beauty essentials.Where? Tunbridge Wells Rugby Club, St. Mark's Ground, Frant Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. TN2 5LS. The bar will be open, so why not make a night of it?When? Friday 10th July. Doors will open at 7.30pm on the dot, no entry earlier. Turn up at the beginning to get the best bits!Small change will be helpful. Please bring a carrier bag. Every penny goes to The Anthony Clarke Memorial Fund. The fund was established in 2003 when Anthony and his good friend Amy Donelan died in a car accident, aged just 18 years old. Anthony was an enthusiastic and talented sportsman and his memorial fund exists to help young people play and enjoy sport, who would otherwise be unable to afford the travel, membership fees, or equipment.
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